
About me

My name is Thais, I'm 17 years old, I'm Brazilian, I finished high school and soon I'm going to university. Understand why this blog The main factor for the creation of this blog was a work that the teacher of my course of Banking Administrator passed us to evaluate us in its discipline (English). Understand why this theme The choice of this theme for me was very easy because healthy eating is part of my routine. As I make lots of diets and mallet (when I have time) I decided to talk about it here on the blog. Although it is a well-known topic, many people are doubtful of basic things that I will make a point to comment with you here. Below you will see some photos of products I use and photos of me in the gym. Hope you like it !!!!!

Tips on how to feed during the day

We should avoid: ultraprocessed foods; sweets in large quantity; exchange the water for soft drinks or industrialized juices; do not skip meals; fried food; not engage in any physical activity during the day. We must adhere: at least 1 serving of fruit during the day; perform exercises at least 30 minutes a day; ingest 2 liters of water; 6 meals a day; prioritize carbohydrates and vegetables. In the next post I will tell you more about my food during the week ;)

Understand the new Food Pyramid

In 2013 Brazil started to have a new Food Pyramid with several reformulations. This change was related to large-scale obesity. It is worth remembering that the old pyramid was created in the standards of the Americans and, therefore, the new pyramid includes typical Brazilian foods, such as: cashew, graviola, Brazil nut. In my next post I will talk about what we should avoid and adhere to in our diet during the day ;)

What is healthy eating?

Having a healthy diet means eating the right amount of food, from all groups, for the purpose of living a healthy life. Food pyramid In the Food Pyramid, foods are classified into eight groups, which are: 1° Group - Carbohydrates: rice, bread, potatoes, pasta, cassava, cereals. 2° Group - Vegetables and Vegetables: Broccoli, cabbage, zucchini. 3° Group - Fruits: pineapple, apple, banana, cashew, strawberry. 4° Group - Milk and Derivatives: cheese, milk, yogurts. 5° Group - Meat and Eggs: fish, chicken, eggs. 6° Group - Beans and Oilseeds: beans, soybeans, lentils, nuts. 7° Group - Oils and Fats: olive oil, butter, soybean oil. 8° Group - Sugars and Sweets: chocolate, ice cream, cake. OBSERVATION:  Water and other liquids are not part of the table, but nutritionists recommend the intake of at least 2 liters per day. Source: In the next post I will give tips on the